If you are interested in becoming a member at Calvary Gravenhurst, here are some things you need to know:

  • The first and most important aspect is that you are a committed follower of Jesus. Have you received Christ's forgiveness and committed to bringing your life under His authority? Since it is God's church, members need to make decisions based on what they see in the bible and after prayer and guidance from the Holy Spirit. 

  • Second is that you have been baptized. This is the outward expression of your inward decision to be a follower of Christ.

  • Third, we ask that those requesting membership have attended Calvary Gravenhurst for one year. This gives you time to get to know people and the other members time to get to know you.

  • Fourth, you meet with an elder and go over the membership covenant. This lays out what you and the church agree to. The members make crucial decisions for the church. Therefore, this is the mutual agreement all members commit to following.

If the first three points describe you, and you would like to become a member, please click on the button below, leave your name and email address, and one of our elders will be in touch with you!