ready men

Life is full of hardships. The road to heaven isn’t paved with gold. Jesus walked that road perfectly and now He calls His men to walk it after Him - leading our families, serving our churches, protecting the defenseless and working hard in the days we were given, to become men who are ready for the challenges we meet in life; to become men ready for action. However, we can’t walk the road alone. We need other men.

Once a month, men aged 16 and older are invited to join other Calvary men as we come together to build each other up to “be ready”. We call this Ready Men. Every month, we will hear man-focused Bible teaching and then break into various groups around tables to eat a great meal, discuss, encourage, and pray for one another.

Our Ready Men ministry runs from October 2024 to May 2025 once a month on Monday nights, (generally the 2nd Monday of the month) from 6:15-8:30 p.m.. For the dates please check our church calendar. To register for the next meeting of Ready Men, click on the button below.

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